LNG Hybrid, HPE, COBRA – alternative energy concepts.


The international maritime industry faces huge challenges. Higher efficiency, greater sustainability and increased safety are in demand on the world’s markets. As an innovative ship supplier Becker Marine Systems contributes towards meeting these goals with established products and evolving technologies.

LNG Hybrid

LNG Hybrid, a division of Becker Marine Systems, was founded in 2012 with the focus on liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system technology and hybrid propulsion systems for inland, coastal and seagoing vessels. The product portfolio ranges from technical and economic studies and policy to the development and specifi cation of technology and the full supply of hardware. A focus lies on the customer support in terms funding processes and tendering documents.

More about LNG Hybrid (external site will open in a new window) ->

Hybrid Port Energy

Hybrid Port Energy (HPE) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Becker Marine Systems. HPE delivers and operates shore power technology such as the LNG Hybrid Barge Hummel which supplies 7.5 MW of clean energy to the AIDAsol cruise ship at the port of Hamburg. Future HPE barges will be able to supply up to 14 MW to cruise ships or port-based industry. In order to provide fl exible and low emission shore power to container ships as well, as a pilot project at the port of Hamburg, mobile LNG PowerPac® units will be put into operation starting in 2017.

More about Hybrid Port Energy (external site will open in a new window) ->

COBRA Compact Battery Rack

By significantly lowering fuel consumption, maintenance costs and emissions, batteries for hybrid power supply, storage and main propulsion provide extraordinary benefits. COBRA is an advanced concept employing tried and tested 18650 lithium-ion cell technology and taking the special requirements of maritime operation and classification into account. Any scale of power storage is available by freely configuring modular units in standardised cabinets of up to 1,000 V DC including integrated and individually controlled cooling equipment.

More about the COBRA Compact Battery Rack ->